Monday, March 9, 2009


Mom called me this morning to discuss in more detail dad's Friday Oncology appointment, there is an area measuring about 1/2 inch in the tumor bed which Dr. Rich feels is residual radiation activity. The ideal scenario would be for dad to have an MRI to compare with his previous films but magnetic imaging is not an option with dad's heart situation.

Dr. Rich's recommendations are to proceed with dad's next 5 day chemo schedule beginning on the 13th at the same dosage. Since dad does not present like a patient with an active tumor, his vitals are strong, and his blood counts have remained stable Dr. Rich feels that the "spot" is radiation inflammation. We hope.

We are to contact the Dr.'s immediately if dad experiences any dizziness, headache, nausea, fever or balance issues. Dad appears healthier and stronger than he has since September which we are so grateful for. We have known from the beginning that this disease is unpredictable and can attack with a vengeance at any time, we just want to enjoy several more tomorrows with our incredible husband, father, grandfather and friend.

We continue hoping, praying, loving, and offering gratitude for today and invite you to join us.

Friday, March 6, 2009


Six months ago today we thought our lives had been turned upside down; in retrospect our lives have been turned right side up. We hope to be stronger, wiser, kinder, and more compassionate as we dedicate ourselves to becoming more Christlike in our words, thoughts and actions.

Dad had a Cat Scan last Friday and is scheduled to meet with his Medical Oncologist today to discuss the results. As I spoke with dad last Saturday regarding his scan his resolve was stronger than ever, he commented "I feel very good about things and am confident that this scan will show nothing new" I assured him that this is what each of us are praying for. Dad received a phone call from Dr. Rich yesterday as he was reviewing dad's scan done one week ago, the news was just as dad had anticipated "scan appears to be the same as the last one, few remaining fragments probably due to residual radiation." Dad will meet with Dr. Rich today for vitals, blood work and to discuss the next round of maintenance chemo.

As we travel down this road of cancer we are discovering that it is a path that is far too crowded. However, we find ourselves deeply indebted to those who have traveled it before as they have shown us that this journey can be one of great blessings, promises and invaluable lessons. We find our hopes and desires for a cure to be stronger and more powerful than ever and through our resolve we are discovering strength in our personal testimonies as well as the power of faith and prayer.

Dad is feeling "marvelously well" as he faithfully fulfills his duties at the temple and the Conference Center. As January came to an end mom and dad were discouraged and sad as their 8 years as Service Missionaries in Salt Lake City had come to an end, they had been advised that they would need to wait 12 months before submitting their papers again. Mom and Dad were thrilled beyond belief when they received instruction to submit their papers immediately so that they could continue serving as Special Event Coordinators for the brethren. How grateful we are that faithful prayers continue to be answered and missionary blessings continue to flow.

Dad's improving health provides him the ability to enjoy phone calls, visiting, feeding his horses, watching BYU and Jazz games and discovering the joys of family history. Dad's cousin Jerry provided dad with family history files which have brought many hours of reminiscing and several walks down memory lane. We have been so touched by the thoughtfulness of dear cousins who remain faithful in their visits, thoughtful in word and deed, and genuine in their love and concern.

To each of you who persist in blessing our lives through your prayers, faith, grace, and undying love...we humbly say "thank you". Your gentle presence in our lives is magnified daily and we will forever be indebted to each of you for your never ending love. To our Father in Heaven and Elder Brother Jesus Christ; we thank you for this journey and for turning our world right side up.