Monday, March 9, 2009


Mom called me this morning to discuss in more detail dad's Friday Oncology appointment, there is an area measuring about 1/2 inch in the tumor bed which Dr. Rich feels is residual radiation activity. The ideal scenario would be for dad to have an MRI to compare with his previous films but magnetic imaging is not an option with dad's heart situation.

Dr. Rich's recommendations are to proceed with dad's next 5 day chemo schedule beginning on the 13th at the same dosage. Since dad does not present like a patient with an active tumor, his vitals are strong, and his blood counts have remained stable Dr. Rich feels that the "spot" is radiation inflammation. We hope.

We are to contact the Dr.'s immediately if dad experiences any dizziness, headache, nausea, fever or balance issues. Dad appears healthier and stronger than he has since September which we are so grateful for. We have known from the beginning that this disease is unpredictable and can attack with a vengeance at any time, we just want to enjoy several more tomorrows with our incredible husband, father, grandfather and friend.

We continue hoping, praying, loving, and offering gratitude for today and invite you to join us.


bj+anne+brody+macie+lucy+ellie said...

can I just say bravo to your optimism! what an example your family is to us all. Keep it up

Sherilyn said...

What an incredible journey you are all taking part in.We wish you and your family the very best in all areas of life. Thanks for sharing this journey through your blog with all of us who love and care for you.You will remain in our prayers.May each day be brighter and stronger as you stick together through your trials.