Wednesday, May 6, 2009


Over the past month dad and I have had several conversations regarding the power of the Priesthood. Again dad acknowledged the role of the Priesthood and faith as life saving factors over the past six months. Through tears he bore testimony that through Priesthood power and constant faith one can get through anything. I continue to gain valuable knowledge, insight, and testimony strength as I learn at the feet of my father. Dad spends countless hours each day studying, meditating, and reviewing scripture, gospel doctrine, and church history. As I have fulfilled my calling as a Relief Society Instructor I find myself turning to my parents continually for wise counsel, reassurance, and ideas. This evening in particular I felt that there would come a time that I would need to rely on the counsel I was receiving.

Dad is fortunate to have an incredible library of fascinating church history. A couple of weeks ago I found myself back in dad's office sitting with mom and dad as they both read to me from two different books. As the clock ticked on I knew that I needed to leave for they had an early morning assignment in Salt Lake but the feelings of wanting to stay would not subside; I wanted, I needed, I thirsted for more. More counsel, more wisdom, more time. My thoughts have gone back to that Saturday evening conversation and I am filled with gratitude for the knowledge, peace, and reassurance I received.

This past week in the midst of a family emergency we called upon dad to meet us at the hospital to assist Gentry in giving a priesthood blessing. As we stood in the ER and witnessed the power of the Priesthood we felt the arms of our Father in Heaven around us. Through the gracious love and compassion of our Father I was being afforded the opportunity to not only hear but witness first hand the power of the Priesthood as I have never witnessed before. It is through the example of my parents that we are able to stand in faith and partake of the promises, counsel, and priesthood blessings that dad spoke of that night. There is no doubt in our minds that through the ministering of the Priesthood miracles are performed.

We are so grateful for the worthy Priesthood holders in our family. I will never forget the tender moment as grandfather/father and grandson/son joined together in a most sacred act of Christlike love. Our family continues to be the recipients of precious and tender mercies from our Father in Heaven. We are so blessed.

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