Wednesday, May 6, 2009


In honor of "Amore d'oro" (golden love)

We rocked the Old Spaghetti Factory with this bunch...

Lotsa pasta, lotsa laughs, lotsa water drinking contests and a little spumoni ice cream was a perfect way to say...

Noi Amo (we LoVe you)


49 Years and Counting

Forty Nine Years ago today these two "amazings" were sealed for time and all eternity in the Salt Lake Temple. Dad proposed to mom on Valentines Day and three months later they began an incredible journey full of ups, downs, turns, roadblocks, steep inclines and rapid declines. We can't wait for more, more, more.
49 things we LoVe about you

1. Your examples
2. Your Faith
3. Your Commitment to your family
4. Your never ending service
5. Your testimonies
6. Your wisdom
7. Your knowledge
8. The respect you show us
9. Your support
10. The love of your country
11. Your relationship with the Savior
12. Your knowledge of Joseph Smith
13. Your love of Brigham Young
14. Stories of your childhoods
15. The respect you have for your parents
16. The neighborhood you raised us in
17. Dad's incredible taste in suits and ties
18. Mom's love for shoes (some have inherited this love and we couldn't be prouder)
19. Mom's cooking
20. Dad's love of good theater popcorn
21. The pasture
22. The never ending support you give to your grandchildren
23. Your ability to forgive
24. Your hard work ethics
25. Our cowboy dad and grandpa
26. Service to the community
27. Your love for your neighbors
28. Your brothers and sisters, our aunts and uncles
29. Your missionary service (9+ years!)
30. Your positive outlooks
31. Your willingness to participate in Dance, Dance Revolution
32. Your sweet "Wii Fit" skills
33. You instilled in each of us the love of skiing
34. Mom's ability to make Grandma Evans ginger cookies
35. Dad's polished boots, shoes and cowboy hats
36. Your laughter
37. Your signature gray hair
38. Your love of good food
39. The love and acceptance you show your son and daughter in laws
40. Your open door, open ears, open heart policy
41. Your people skills
42. Years of Christmas memories
43. Fairview
44. Rockland
45. Rodeos
46. Mom's love of speed (typing, walking, skiing, horseback riding, amusement park rides)
47. Your willingness to endure hard things
48. Dad's hunting stories
49. Your unconditional love

There are not enough words in the English language to describe what these two have done for so many. We love you, we honor you, and thank you for making our world complete.


Over the past month dad and I have had several conversations regarding the power of the Priesthood. Again dad acknowledged the role of the Priesthood and faith as life saving factors over the past six months. Through tears he bore testimony that through Priesthood power and constant faith one can get through anything. I continue to gain valuable knowledge, insight, and testimony strength as I learn at the feet of my father. Dad spends countless hours each day studying, meditating, and reviewing scripture, gospel doctrine, and church history. As I have fulfilled my calling as a Relief Society Instructor I find myself turning to my parents continually for wise counsel, reassurance, and ideas. This evening in particular I felt that there would come a time that I would need to rely on the counsel I was receiving.

Dad is fortunate to have an incredible library of fascinating church history. A couple of weeks ago I found myself back in dad's office sitting with mom and dad as they both read to me from two different books. As the clock ticked on I knew that I needed to leave for they had an early morning assignment in Salt Lake but the feelings of wanting to stay would not subside; I wanted, I needed, I thirsted for more. More counsel, more wisdom, more time. My thoughts have gone back to that Saturday evening conversation and I am filled with gratitude for the knowledge, peace, and reassurance I received.

This past week in the midst of a family emergency we called upon dad to meet us at the hospital to assist Gentry in giving a priesthood blessing. As we stood in the ER and witnessed the power of the Priesthood we felt the arms of our Father in Heaven around us. Through the gracious love and compassion of our Father I was being afforded the opportunity to not only hear but witness first hand the power of the Priesthood as I have never witnessed before. It is through the example of my parents that we are able to stand in faith and partake of the promises, counsel, and priesthood blessings that dad spoke of that night. There is no doubt in our minds that through the ministering of the Priesthood miracles are performed.

We are so grateful for the worthy Priesthood holders in our family. I will never forget the tender moment as grandfather/father and grandson/son joined together in a most sacred act of Christlike love. Our family continues to be the recipients of precious and tender mercies from our Father in Heaven. We are so blessed.

Monday, March 9, 2009


Mom called me this morning to discuss in more detail dad's Friday Oncology appointment, there is an area measuring about 1/2 inch in the tumor bed which Dr. Rich feels is residual radiation activity. The ideal scenario would be for dad to have an MRI to compare with his previous films but magnetic imaging is not an option with dad's heart situation.

Dr. Rich's recommendations are to proceed with dad's next 5 day chemo schedule beginning on the 13th at the same dosage. Since dad does not present like a patient with an active tumor, his vitals are strong, and his blood counts have remained stable Dr. Rich feels that the "spot" is radiation inflammation. We hope.

We are to contact the Dr.'s immediately if dad experiences any dizziness, headache, nausea, fever or balance issues. Dad appears healthier and stronger than he has since September which we are so grateful for. We have known from the beginning that this disease is unpredictable and can attack with a vengeance at any time, we just want to enjoy several more tomorrows with our incredible husband, father, grandfather and friend.

We continue hoping, praying, loving, and offering gratitude for today and invite you to join us.

Friday, March 6, 2009


Six months ago today we thought our lives had been turned upside down; in retrospect our lives have been turned right side up. We hope to be stronger, wiser, kinder, and more compassionate as we dedicate ourselves to becoming more Christlike in our words, thoughts and actions.

Dad had a Cat Scan last Friday and is scheduled to meet with his Medical Oncologist today to discuss the results. As I spoke with dad last Saturday regarding his scan his resolve was stronger than ever, he commented "I feel very good about things and am confident that this scan will show nothing new" I assured him that this is what each of us are praying for. Dad received a phone call from Dr. Rich yesterday as he was reviewing dad's scan done one week ago, the news was just as dad had anticipated "scan appears to be the same as the last one, few remaining fragments probably due to residual radiation." Dad will meet with Dr. Rich today for vitals, blood work and to discuss the next round of maintenance chemo.

As we travel down this road of cancer we are discovering that it is a path that is far too crowded. However, we find ourselves deeply indebted to those who have traveled it before as they have shown us that this journey can be one of great blessings, promises and invaluable lessons. We find our hopes and desires for a cure to be stronger and more powerful than ever and through our resolve we are discovering strength in our personal testimonies as well as the power of faith and prayer.

Dad is feeling "marvelously well" as he faithfully fulfills his duties at the temple and the Conference Center. As January came to an end mom and dad were discouraged and sad as their 8 years as Service Missionaries in Salt Lake City had come to an end, they had been advised that they would need to wait 12 months before submitting their papers again. Mom and Dad were thrilled beyond belief when they received instruction to submit their papers immediately so that they could continue serving as Special Event Coordinators for the brethren. How grateful we are that faithful prayers continue to be answered and missionary blessings continue to flow.

Dad's improving health provides him the ability to enjoy phone calls, visiting, feeding his horses, watching BYU and Jazz games and discovering the joys of family history. Dad's cousin Jerry provided dad with family history files which have brought many hours of reminiscing and several walks down memory lane. We have been so touched by the thoughtfulness of dear cousins who remain faithful in their visits, thoughtful in word and deed, and genuine in their love and concern.

To each of you who persist in blessing our lives through your prayers, faith, grace, and undying love...we humbly say "thank you". Your gentle presence in our lives is magnified daily and we will forever be indebted to each of you for your never ending love. To our Father in Heaven and Elder Brother Jesus Christ; we thank you for this journey and for turning our world right side up.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Mom and dad traveled to Salt Lake this morning for the choir broadcast, Marty and his family packed up and headed home today. We are going to miss them terribly, we love it when they travel down to spend time with us. I went over later this afternoon to prepare dad's weekly medications.


We took the little ones to see this today; Cooper kept telling anyone, everyone, complete strangers and all "I am not a mouse, I am a gentleman." Dad elected to not join us and went with Marty instead, they drove to the pasture, went for a nice ride and then back home to build another fire. Later this evening dad requested that I shave his head, the hair on the back of his head has been growing back along with a little stubble on top. I used his new clippers he had received for Christmas.
The remainder of the evening was spent eating, visiting and trying to stay warm.


Dave and I spent the afternoon/evening at mom and dads recovering from Christmas and enjoying mom's delicious food. Dad has rested for the majority of the day in front of the fire, he is exhausted. Mom and I have noticed how good dad's appetite has been the past couple of days, once again our prayers are being answered.

Dave and I had given dad this video for Christmas, we enjoyed spending the evening watching it together. Mom and Dad have many tender memories of serving our beloved prophet and we are the lucky recipients of their stories and testimonies of this amazing man.

Thursday, January 8, 2009


Sounds of laughter, sights of surprise, and spectacular snowfall made for a perfect Christmas Day. Following the admiration of Santa's delivery and the opening of gifts Gentry, Cooper and the girls spent the good part of this morning creating a 7 foot snowman in the back of Gentry's truck. The girls had not come prepared for major snow but Grandpa came to the rescue, he was so excited to outfit the kids in all of his Olympic volunteer clothing, gloves and hats.






Here he is, Frostlanta; draped in a Confederate flag and all this is a Christmas Day Masterpiece. Gentry and the girls could not wait to take their show on the road, they loaded up and went right over to Grandpa's to introduce him to their new frosty friend.

Later that afternoon we went to mom and dad's to open gifts, eat, visit, and play. Gentry and I had picked out this hat for dad and he placed it on his head the minute he had it out of the wrapping, he called it his "Porsche Hat".

Dad completed this round of chemo last evening without any difficulties. He will see his Medical Oncologist next week for bloodwork and follow up.


Marty and Maigan both arrived safely from Boise and Arizona, Anthony's plans were changed at the last minute due to work; dad is so discouraged that Anthony will not be joining us.
Mom and Dad drove to Riverton to visit with Jeff and his family and then came to our home to eat, join in the annual pajama opening and sample a taste of Christmas Eve anticipation and excitement through the eyes of their grandchildren.


Shelby Lin and Grandpa

Sydnee M.

Samantha Emma & Cooper David

Easton James

Dad is absolutely smitten with this little guy, being around Easton takes each of us back in time as he is a mini Anthony; his personality, energy, curly hair, and expressions merge the past with the present.

The love in our family flows strong and deep, the memories of tonight will be ours to treasure and keep.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009


It is true, a dream is a wish created in one's heart. Dave and I held our annual Christmas Buffet this evening for family and friends, the wishes of my heart were granted when mom and dad arrived.

Surrounded by family, friends, laughter and Christmas dreams our home was filled with an abundance of warmth and love tonight.

I love this man, what more can I say?
Because of you dad we will...
TrY harder
HoPe Longer
LoVe Deeper
LaUgH Louder