Friday, December 12, 2008


Dad was up bright and early to fulfill his duties at the temple this morning, he is so thankful for this blessed opportunity. Dad returned from his early morning shift just in time to leave for Provo.

Mom and Dad met with dad's Medical Oncologist today for his post treatment visit regarding the chemo side of this journey. Dr. Rich reviewed the CT scan just as Dr. Clark, his interpretation seems to be along the same lines as Dr. Clark; they both feel that the minimal swelling is due to the radiation and not growth of the tumor. A follow up CT will be done two months from now which will better indicate the success of the radiation.

Dr. Rich is a realist for which we are most grateful, he reminded mom and dad once again that dad has a very serious type of cancer which will ultimately take his life. We must focus on quality of life rather than quantity of life. Discussions of "maintenance therapy" were held and Dr. Rich reviewed dad's chemo protocol for the next couple of months, he will be taking the same oral chemo but in a larger dose; 5 days on chemo 30 days off. Studies have shown this protocol to be very promising and successful, we will also watch for any new clinical trials on the horizon. The Neuro-Oncology Conference was held in Las Vegas last month where several trials and treatments were reviewed and announced, this looks encouraging. Dad will begin chemo tomorrow. Dad was able to receive his flu shot today but still must remain very cautious to avoid germs and illness. Dad felt very good about his appointment with both of his Oncologists this week other than he has not received the "go ahead" to drive, PATIENCE, PATIENCE, PATIENCE.

Mom had a large event at the Church Office Building as well as dress rehearsal for the Christmas Program at the Conference Center, she left for Salt Lake shortly following dad's appointment. I stopped by to visit with dad on my way home from work, he had just awakened from a much needed nap (he has not slept since Tuesday evening). Dad and I talked about his appointment, frustrations, blessings, sacrifices, and the difficulty our family has in being gracious receivers of acts of service. Dad and I discussed the fact that it is much easier for us to be on the giving end rathern than the receiving end, I reminded dad that through his acceptance of this cancer gift he is providing family, friends, and neighbors the avenue to receive some of our Father in Heaven's most cherished blessings... true yet challenging.

Dad decided not to go to Salt Lake with mom this evening, he had a Christmas Dinner with one of the Horseback organizations he belongs to, he was excited and anxious to attend and visit with dear friends he has missed over the past couple of months. Once again, I loved the quiet moments and conversation I was able to share with my father today; we selected the outfit he would wear tonight, listened to a new CD he had received, and talked of dreams, wishes, and promises. I am one lucky girl!

Dad will return to the temple in the morning to work his regular shift, he and mom will travel to Salt Lake tomorrow afternoon. Dad mentioned several times this evening how "wonderful" it was to be back at the Conference Center among the General Authorities, "being in their presence is great".

President Eyring spoke last evening at the Zion's Security Dinner where he addressed the "crescendo's of life", just like written music there are ups and downs in life, it is up to each of us to discover the beauty in each rise and decline of our personal crescendo's. We will each experience moments of our lives where there are increases of intensity and force leading to an ultimate climatic position, we will then experience a de-crescendo where the forces and intensity begin to diminish and the music of life quiets down. How grateful I am for another wonderful lesson shared through the eyes of my father.

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