Friday, December 12, 2008


Dad completed his second shift back at the temple this morning with minimal problem, he is freezing (down to 150 lbs.) but he will remedy that by wearing new thermal undergarments. Dad took a much needed nap prior to leaving for Salt Lake and an evening full of events and music.

Dad's blood pressure remains good 97/52 and his bloodwork continues to be well within normal limits, this is such a blessing considering all that he has been through. One of dad's physicians cannot believe that dad's platelets have remained normal and that his white and red blood cells have not declined or accelerated throughout treatment, prayers have been answered. Dad's weight is down approx. 14 lbs. from where we would like to see it, prayers for increased appetite and weight gain are most appreciated. Dad does not feel like eating anything "sweet" but is still enjoying "salty", we continue to encourage, prepare, and provide anything and everything that sounds good. We are learning that we cannot just place food in front of him and expect him to eat, we have learned that we must inquire and then provide.

I have missed seeing mom this week but I am full of gratitude that she is able to serve within her mission capacity at this time. The task of caring for a terminally ill loved one is "daunting" to say the least. We are very aware of our father's condition and his prognosis; this makes each of us ultimately aware of the need to be positive and faith believing as we perform our individual tasks in caring for our parents. Our mother is faced with difficult challenges each and every day, she lives, eats, drinks, and breathes this awful disease; however, she fulfills her role as wife, mother, grandmother, employee, sister, friend, and woman with dignity, grace, courage, determination, and a heart full of love. As her children we are so thankful for the ability our mother has been blessed with to continue working and providing amazing insurance benefits for our dad, we are thankful for her desire to continue serving others even though her needs are great, we are thankful for the opportunities we have to "fill in" the few gaps we can while she is away, and we are most thankful for our mothers example of faith, positive thinking, and testimony.

Your words of encouragement, promise, faith and love are most appreciated. We know that our parents did not accept this gift of adversity because they needed it, they accepted it in behalf of others so that we may learn. I daily pray that my heart and mind may be turned to the opportunity before me to learn, grow, serve, and strengthen my testimony. I want to be just like my parents when I grow up.

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