Friday, December 5, 2008


Mom phoned at 7:45 a.m this morning and explained to Gentry that dad had been unable to sleep last night, therefore, he would not be traveling to Salt Lake today.

I called dad later this morning and he said that he had finally been able to fall asleep early this morning and was not just getting up. I don't know if it was the anticipation of going with mom or just plain old insomnia that kept him awake. Dad mentioned that he had called Anthony around 3:00 a.m. to visit with him; we are grateful that Anthony's line of work affords him the ability to visit with dad at these odd hours of the night.

Dad's plan for this afternoon is to have a can of Campbell's Chicken Noodle Soup, exercise and rest as needed.

Dad spends a great deal of time reading his scriptures and other church doctrine, he has presented some thought provoking questions over the past couple of weeks. The thought currently on his mind is his wonderment in the tone of voice the Father used when He and the Son appeared to Joseph Smith. This combined with other recent conversations makes one wonder what takes place in the quiet hours our father spends alone.

While visiting with dad this afternoon he received a phone calls from his college friend Steve and Carroll O; they had a great time visiting and catching up. Dad appreciates and enjoys so much the phone calls he receives throughout the day. Dad and I spoke of the number of dear friends from Sanpete County that he still has contact with, he looks forward to visiting with some of them during the holidays. Dad is appearing healthier each and every day, his strength is gradually returning and he is back on his daily exercise regime.

Dad invited Dave and I to go with him this evening for Chinese food; we were excited to be able to spend some quality time outside of home surrounded by good conversation, precious company, and food. Our conversation this evening was most humbling and moving as dad spoke of his upcoming post treatment appointments with his Oncology team; I continue to be reminded of the magnificent strength of this remarkable man. He is courageous, believing, and ever so inspiring; during the times that I feel I don't have enough faith to carry me through I know that I can rest on the wings of our father's faith until I am able to once again fly on my own. As we ended our meal with traditional fortune cookies we were touched and humored when dad revealed his fortune...

"You will soon be reunited with dear friends"

I had to wonder; "was it just coincidence that Steve and Carroll happened to phone dad today?" I like to believe it is because our father is a very fortunate man.

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