Thursday, December 11, 2008


Matt and his family spent Family Home Evening last night with mom and dad. They brought more wood, split logs, and shared pumpkin cookies and cider.

Today has been a day of earnest fasting and prayers in behalf of our father. Mom had an assignment in Salt Lake this morning and returned this afternoon for a full schedule of CT scans and doctors appointments. Dad met with his Radiation Oncologist today for his post radiation/treatment appointment. We are excited to announce that everything looks just as they had hoped following 6 weeks of treatment. Dad has minimal swelling at the surgical site which is believed to remain from the radiation. Mom and Dad were advised that the radiation treatments will continue to remain "actively treating" up to 2-3 months post treatment, this is encouraging. Dad's physician remains very positive and hopeful for a quality filled life with our father.

Dad received the "go-ahead" to return to the temple, his missionary work, and other limited activities. We are encouraging dad to take it one step at a time, build his strength, avoid sickness and germs, and remember "thy" will not "my" will.

As I visited with dad this afternoon the excitement in his voice was enlivening, it was heart-warming to listen to his expressions of faith and appreciation he has in the prayers being offered in his behalf. Our family could not have endured the past four months without the prayers and thoughts of so many loved ones, friends, ward members, and perfect strangers. Each prayer has been heard and felt in the hearts of our family; we are touched, blessed, and so, so loved.

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