Monday, September 15, 2008


Tube free: check
Activities of Daily Living: check
Speech Therapy: check
Occupational Therapy: check
Physical Therapy: check
Walk outside: check
Matt home safe and sound: check
JCW's Fish and Chips for dinner: check

As one can tell dad has had a busy, busy, first day in Rehab and passed with flying colors! Each of his therapists, nurses and techs cannot believe that he is less than one week post surgery doing so well, we can as we have seen it before.

The "fowl" meals continue despite promises of a meeting with the Dietitian. When asking dad last night if anything sounded particularly good to him he stated that he sure would like some "fish and chips from JCW's". This request was an easy one to fulfill, a quick visit thru the drive-thru and I was on my way. Following three pieces of halibut, some onion rings and a nice diet coke with lemon we had one happy dad, mom and daughter. Fresh peaches and ice cream were on schedule for dessert later in the evening but due to high blood sugar (medication induced diabetes) we had to put the peaches and ice cream on ice for a later date. Maybe tomorrow.

Matt and Michele came to visit this evening delivering a handmade card and picture from Madison. Matt reported on his business trip back East and his visit to Liberty Jail, we are happy he is home safe and we know Michele and the kids are too. Dad was able visit with Gordon on the phone this evening and in closing he joked with Gordon by saying "Gordon, I won't be able to substitute in the temple for you on Tuesday morning."

Over this past week mom and dad have shown us that in order to gain strength in our struggles our perspectives of the plan of salvation must be positive. Throughout our lives mom and dad have demonstrated and taught their children that they realize, believe, and trust in a personal Savior whom we too can trust and turn to in our times of need. We have also been shown how to live the principles that our Father in Heaven has provided us in order to receive the strength needed during personal times of struggle. How grateful we are for loving parents who continue to teach, guide, and direct through perfect example and selfless love.

Our parents are exemplary people and the countless phone calls, words of encouragement, love, and kindness are reflective of how loved, respected, and revered they truly are. Mom and dad continue to stand strong proving that their source of strength in meeting each of our challenges remains the same; faith in a loving Father in Heaven.

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