Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Marty took dad for a ride up to the pasture today, he had not been there in nearly two weeks. Dad enjoyed the short time he was able to spend at the pasture, just being in the fresh air surrounded by his animals proved to be good medicine.

Dave, Anthony, and I went over and spent the afternoon visiting on the back patio with mom, dad, Marty and the girls. Jeff, Steph, Tucker and Peyton came later in the afternoon to visit.

Dad continues to gain physical strength each and every day, if one was not aware of dads condition you would never even know he had just undergone major brain surgery. Dads optimism continues to feed his perseverance, good health, and quick recovery from trauma; his hope is contagious.

I was reminded this weekend of a statement that mom and her mother would often say while we were growing up, it was usually used when we were being sassy or adventurous, I can still hear one of them saying "you are getting a little too big for your britches" . As I was reflecting on the events of the past two weeks I thought to myself "we must not be too big for our britches because our Father in Heaven has given us another trial to grow from. This life was never intended to be easy, it is a period of proving and growth. Each of us will be blessed with difficulties, challenges, and burdens and it is up to us to embrace the opportunity for growth and development. Conquering adversity strengthens our character, increases self-confidence, and raises our self-respect all while promising success in our righteous endeavors.

"And all these things shall give thee experience, and shall be for thy good." D&C 122:7
Bishop Rose has arranged for dad to be able to listen to church at home and also arranged for the sacrament to be brought in. Mom and Dad have received beautiful cards full of encouragement, love and prayers, yummy cookies from Achievement Day girls, floral arrangements, and sweet phone calls. Thank you for your tender mercies, we are richly blessed.

Marty and the girls left this afternoon, we cannot wait until they are able to come again. Teri and Samantha were greatly missed. Marty worked hard this weekend accomplishing all that was on his "To Do" list. Shelby and Sydnee were great company as well as super help around the house.
Dad and I organized all of his medications today, he is taking well over a dozen different ones each day. Managing the dose and time is a full time job, I don't know how he does it.
Dave, Anthony and I stayed and visited with mom and dad until it was time for bed. Tomorrow is a big, big day. Remaining rested, healthy, and free from illness is key.
Dad continues to teach us daily that the reason for adversity is to accomplish the Lord's purpose for us in this life. As we are learning, growing, and developing we are loving harder than we ever have before.

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