Friday, September 26, 2008


Dad continues his morning exercise routine of treadmill, bike, and a brisk walk outside with Dave. The new anti-nausea medication is doing it's job which has provided mom and dad with restful nights. Thank you Zofran.

I took dad to radiation today, I was just getting settled in to my reading material and out came dad, finished! I obviously was not used to this routine, I am accustomed to waiting, waiting, and more waiting. Thank you Dr. Clark and staff.

Our search for increased knowledge, options and treatments continue; Dr. Henry S. Friedman's, name had been mentioned at one of dad's appointments and my interests were peaked because I recognized his name from some of the research I had been doing. Dr. Friedman is an internationally recognized neuro-oncologist with a career-long interest in the treatment of adults with brain and spinal cord tumors. Dr. Friedman is the Deputy Director of The Preston Robert Tisch Brain Tumor Center at Duke University Medical Center and is aggressively pursuing new therapeutic strategies of glioma's (dad's tumor type). Dr. Friedman is known for "the finest research lab in the world", which produces clinical trials that rapidly go from the lab into the clinical trials.

The impressive credentials of Dr. Friedman were somewhat intimidating as I contemplated contacting him, however, it is his positive attitude and belief that cancer can be cured that ignited my courage and will to send him an e-mail. I will be anxious to see if we receive a reply.
Thank you Dr. Friedman for being a believer.

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