Thursday, September 18, 2008


Michele came and stayed with dad this morning until it was time to go to his appointment with the Radiation Oncologist, we are so blessed having this angel in our lives. Dad and Michele took a long walk this morning up around the Stake Center and back home.
Dad and I met mom at the hospital for dad's first appointment of the day. The Radiation Oncologist informed us that dad will be starting his treatments Monday, September 22, 2008 and will receive 6 weeks of radiation 5 days a week, way ahead of schedule. He will also be taking an oral chemotherapy agent in conjunction with the radiation therapy. The side affects of both treatments were explained in detail and all questions were answered. Dad is anxious, excited, and ready to begin. Being a little more tired, nauseous (controlled with medication) and losing your hair are minor compared to the outcome we are each hopeful for.
We then jumped in the car and headed over to UVRMC in Provo to meet with the Medical Oncologist. More details regarding the chemotherapy were given, prescriptions for antibiotics, steroids (for swelling), and dosing instructions were given. Dad will have weekly blood draws to keep track of his counts and will see the Medical Oncologist every other week as long as no complications arise. We also discussed in length the possibility of more trials opening up since the two we were interested in are now closed. Patience, Patience, Patience. Chemo drug was ordered, blood was drawn and we were off to Dr. Gaufin's office.
The 34 staples (train tracks) that have rested upon dad's head since 9/6/2008 were removed without difficulty today. We will go back to Dr. Gaufin's office at the end of the month for a post surgical consult. Downstairs we went for our last appointment in Radiation/Oncology.
The Radiation Oncologist had ordered a CT with contrast today so that they can merge today's scan with the scan taken prior to surgery, this will help them map out the radiation plan for Monday. Dad also had a mesh mask formed to his head and face that he will wear during each radiation treatment, this mask will be bolted to the table he is lying on so that his head will stay still during his brief treatments. After a quick stop at the scheduling desk we were finished!
Dad's Radiation Oncologist told us today that he treats a great deal of patients and that he can tell immediately how well a patient is going to do on therapy. He told us that when he saw dad walk into the clinic today he could see that dad had "Performance Quality" this indicated to him that dad was going to do very well and would respond to treatment due to his high "Performance Quality". Dad's great positive attitude, peace, and numerous miracles are recognizable, it's what some medical professionals are referring to as "Performance Quality" these days, that's our dad.
The upcoming treatments are going to leave dad tired, weak, his immune system suppressed, and his appetite decreased. Our job as his care givers is to remain strong, healthy, well rested, encouraging, and germ free. Please Stand Up and join us in our efforts to keep our dad well.
We dropped off the new prescriptions at the pharmacy on our way home, mom and dad are looking forward to a nice, quiet evening in the comforts of their home.
Note To Self: Don't wear heels when accompanying dad to doctor's appointments, he runs, you can't keep up.

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