Tuesday, September 9, 2008

This is where our story of cancer begins...

Dad 8/25/2008
His 72nd Birthday Party

September 5, 2008 was a landmark day in the life of the Stand Up To Cancer Campaign just as September 6, 2008 was a landmark day in the life of of the Kent and Marietta Evans family.
Dad was admitted to UVRMC (IMC) in Provo, Utah on Thursday, September 4th due to abnormalities found on a CT Scan that had been done earlier in the day. An MRI was recommended for further studies but due to dad's pacemaker and heart defibrillator the Cardiology team were not comfortable with this being done; a CT with contrast was ordered and would be done early Saturday morning. Following discussions with the Neurologist it was felt that there were two areas of concern the first being a large area of swelling on the right side of dads head which was felt to be due to the fall dad sustained while horseback riding in August, the second area of concern was a shadow between the mid line of the brain.
The CT with contrast was accomplished Saturday morning and our worst fears were confirmed, our husband, father, grandfather, brother, and friend has a brain tumor. We were shocked, the doctor was shocked and we now found ourselves standing on shaky ground.
Medical personnel did not stand still as plans immediately began to coordinate the surgical team so that a brain biopsy (craniotomy with biopsy) could be obtained, several medical aspects had to be covered due to the complexity of dad's heart condition. EKG's, Kidney and Heart Sonograms, blood work, and Cardiac consults all needed to be completed prior to surgery; we were finally on schedule for Sunday at noon. Our legs are still shaking but our hearts continue whispering "peace" and "patience" for these are the words that filled the little corner ER room on Thursday evening as Matt and Dave gave our father a most beautiful and promising priesthood blessing.
When dad was not undergoing testing he was busy visiting with members of our immediate family who were there with mom and dad the entire day. Dad's appetite has been better than it has in weeks, we are anxious to bring him anything and everything he will eat. After seeing a commercial for Sonic Drive-In's 99 cent Jr. Banana Splits dad kept mentioning them throughout the day, we kept promising him one and sure enough Dave delivered later that evening. However, the commercial is quite deceiving for the banana split on t.v. does not look at all like the real thing, Dad sure hopes Dave asked for his change! As we left late Saturday evening dad was exhausted as were we. Despite dad's current condition he remains concerned about his temple duties, scheduling responsibilities on Temple Square, and his horses. That's our dad.

The medical care that dad has been receiving has been phenomenal and we could not ask for more caring, compassionate, professional providers. We are surrounded with good people.
Sunday morning brought our family together once again; Marty and Teri, Matt, Cole, Tanner, Jeff, Steph, Tucker, Peyton, Dave and myself joined Mom and Dad at the hospital early Sunday morning and took turns visiting, and laughing while trying to pass the anxiety filled hours prior to surgery. Michele, Carson and Madison arrived later that morning followed by Aunt Connie, Uncle Ted, Aunt Gayle and Uncle David. The waiting continued. Jeff, myself, Matt, and Marty were able to join mom and dad for a family prayer prior to dad going to OR and once again we were wrapped in the arms of the Comforter. As I stood there in that room I was amazed at the abundance of courage that my parents were exhibiting for their children to witness, it was clear that our father was not afraid of this storm for he knew how to sail his ship. His force of bravery was needed, felt, and acknowledged. As dad was being wheeled down the hall his request to see Madi and Carson was granted as a little parade of waves was held in his honor. We were able to visit with the Neurologist prior to surgery and he carefully explained what he anticipated finding once he got in there. Questions were answered, information provided, 4-5 hours of more waiting would now begin.
An OR nurse came out after about 4 hours and told us that Dr. Gaufin had just finished the surgery and that closing would now begin. Closing would take an additional hour and a half. The nurse indicated that dad had done well throughout the surgery, his heart had remained very stable and that she would return in an hour with another update. More waiting. Nearly two hours later Dr. Gaufin came out to talk to us and told us that he found what he thought he would once he got inside and that is a brain tumor characteristic of Glioblastoma. He did call in a Pathologist during surgery and both felt that this would be the final diagnosis. This cancer is the same type of cancer that Ted Kennedy has, dad is not going to be happy about sharing anything with a democrat! Dr. Gaufin said he was pleased with the surgery and even more pleased with how quickly dad awakened in recovery and that dad was awake and asking questions regarding the surgery while Dr. Gaufin was dictating his operative report, that's our dad.
Dr. Gaufin explained what the next couple of days would entail and what direction our journey would be taking us over the next little while. While much medical dialogue was exchanged the only word any of us really heard and understood was "cancer", shock and awe had now set in. We were sad, so very sad. Once again we find ourselves waiting, waiting, waiting, for the pathology report to return, it could take 3-4 days.
Many phone calls needed to be made, each of the children took a few names and began calling family and close friends while dad was being settled into ICU. Mom and the kids were able to see dad briefly as the nurse explained what his routine would be for the evening and encouraged each of us to go home for the night. We followed the nurses recommendation and took mom home for some much needed sleep, we have a fight on our hands and each of us are going to be strong and ready for battle.
We have been so impressed and touched by the abundant expressions of love, concern, and compassion for our family at this time. How grateful we are for a loving and caring Bishop, Stake President, sweet neighbors, friends, and co-workers. Our family knows that prayer is a powerful and sustaining influence and we have felt the strength of your prayers over the past few days.
Several have asked "what can we do?" At this time we are asking ourselves the same question. We believe that we received our answer for now in the blessing dad received last Thursday, we are exercising (and learning) patience, discovering peace, and standing up to cancer with courage and faith... we ask that you do the same.

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