Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Dad was up bright and early this morning walking on the treadmill and riding his bike, this is inspiring considering that only a few short hours after taking his chemo at bedtime the toxicity of this life saving agent had interrupted mom and dad's sleep with nausea and vomiting. Dad assured mom that he was feeling "great" this morning.

Dad had a follow up appointment with his Family Physician this morning which went well. Dad had a Water Conservancy Meeting that he insisted on attending prior to his radiation treatment later this afternoon. Mom took dad to the meeting and waited in the car.

Treatment #2 took place without incident, mom and dad were able to meet with the Radiation/Oncologists PA today and were given an additional anti-nausea agent for dad to try. The PA also wanted to discuss with mom and dad further options available to them, she also commented on Dad's "Performance Quality" and was ever so encouraging as she mentioned several promising studies on the front lines for Glioblastoma Cancer.

At both of Dad's appointments different individuals mentioned how good Dad looks and how shocked they are that he has undergone all that he has over the past two weeks. Our father is proving to us that statistics are based on yesterday's patients not those of today and tomorrow, he is our triple AAA patient:

Awareness-Dad is aware of his purpose and meaning in life
Acceptance-Dad not only has accepted the opportunity to endure this trial he has embraced it
Attitude-Dad is in this to win it...we are too

We are so grateful that dad is proving to all of us that attitudes are more important than facts.

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