Thursday, September 18, 2008


"Heaven is under our feet, as well as over our heads".

Dave arrived at rehab bright and early this morning to acquaint himself with dad's routine. By 11:00 a.m. dad had completed speech, occupation, and physical therapies, packed up and was ready to head home. Mom arrived to receive all discharge orders, prescriptions, and the patient. They were out of there!

After a quick stop to pick up newly prescribed medications, a sandwich from Parker's Drive-In and a drink from Harts, dad was finally in his Home Sweet Home.

Later this evening Dave and I took over salmon dinner and enjoyed eating and visiting with dad at the dining room table rather than in a hospital room. Michele and Tanner arrived shortly after so that Tanner could interview Grandpa for a school assignment he is working on, it was fun to look through dad's old photo albums discovering who certain family members get their looks from. It is obvious we are related.

Following dinner we were reviewing the medical records that mom had obtained upon dad's discharge, while reading one of the reports it was noted that one of dad's heart tests done prior to surgery had come back favorably higher (by 15%) than anticipated, the doctor dictating the report had stated "patient has resolving congestive heart failure". Reading this report sparked a conversation in regards to the many miracles we have witnessed over the past 12 days. First, the fall that dad suffered back in August, had he not suffered this fall in the mountains we may not have responded so quickly when symptoms presented. Second, the expeditious response of dad's medical team. Third, Dr. Gaufin's ability to do a subtotal resection (partial removal) of the tumor rapidly growing inside dad's head. Fourth, the amazing recovery dad has experienced. Fifth, treatment options. Sixth, the remarkable care dad has received. Seventh, the abundance of peace, prayer, and faith encompassing each of us daily. Eighth, "resolving congestive heart failure". Ninth, mom's incredible insurance benefits paying for lifesaving treatments. Tenth, dad says it best "I have had no pain, no discomfort, I have been highly blessed."

After witnessing the above miracles, and these are just a few, we can never underestimate the power of our Father in Heaven, even when we ourselves feel powerless. We know that our Heavenly Father is able to do all things, if we are faithful to him.

Our ship has been tossed about in this turbulent storm of cancer yet dad continues to teach us that through faith, prayer, and obedience this ship can handle any test.

Whether the wrath of the storm-tossed sea
Or demons or men or whatever it be,
No waters can swallow the ship where lies
The Master of ocean and earth and skies.
They all shall sweetly obey thy will:
Peace, be still.

This storm we bear is not our own, through the Savior's infinite peace we have discovered a safe harbor, our ship is calm despite the crashing of the waves around us. "The winds of tribulation, which blow out some men's candles of commitment, only fan the fires of faith of others." Neal A. Maxwell

Our father's flame is burning bright, he is committed to standing up and are we.

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