Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Mom, Dad, and I attended Sacrament Meeting today in the hospital chapel; I have always loved playing the piano in our local hospital branch and today found myself feeling abundantly blessed to be sitting there with my sweet parents. The chapel of the hospital is located just a few yards from where we spent many long, anxious hours one week ago today, walking to and sitting in the chapel with dad 7 days later is nothing short of a miracle. The small room was nearly full to capacity and the strength and love of those unseen was clearly felt this morning.

A granddaughter and grandfather from Orem spoke on hearing and heeding promptings of the spirit, how timely and appropriate. Had someone told them that I needed to be reminded of this powerful principle? Something I have personally learned over the past month is that when you feel a prompting swell within your heart, act upon it. You will be grateful you did. As dad's August 25th birthday was approaching I felt the need to plan a dinner in honor of the day he entered this world, I will forever be grateful that I did not ignore the whisperings in my heart that day. As we sang the closing hymn "As I Search the Holy Scriptures" I felt strong knowing that we have all we need to stand strong, brave and believing for we have the power of His love, knowledge in His words, and the care and stewardship of many.

Dad was not excited about eating another "fowl" meal and was still plenty full from yesterday so I cut up some fresh fruit and fresh tomatoes for him to enjoy. Dave, Matt, Michele and their kids arrived later in the afternoon to visit with dad. Dad walked from his room to the dining room to greet the kids and when he saw them he said "this is just what I needed, to see you kids". It was what we all needed; they are beautiful, healing, loving, fun, and unconditional. We took a walk outside and found a shady spot to sit and visit, Steph and Jeff joined us and we made the walk back to dad's room. Dave, Matt, Michele and the kids left and dad ate some dinner that Jeff had prepared. After Jeff and Steph left I prepared dad a bowl of fresh peaches and ice cream while he was taking a shower. Dad has had a great day, we are hopeful he will rest well tonight.

As the last of Summer days quietly slip away we find ourselves in the richness of a new season, the days will be cooler, shorter and filled with the grace of golden nature. We are currently experiencing a season unlike any we have experienced before, however, one thing that we know for sure is that our Father in Heaven stands ready to comfort and counsel us in our season of struggle and suffering. Our challenge is to be willing to be introspective about ourselves and look to him with a firmness of mind, and pray with exceeding faith.

President Hinckley admonished us that "this is a season to be strong, it is a time to move forward without hesitation, knowing well the meaning, the breadth, and the importance of our mission. It is a time to do what is right regardless of the consequences that might follow. It is time to be found keeping the commandments. It is a season to reach out with kindness and love to those in distress and to those who are wandering in darkness and pain. It is a time to be considerate and good, decent and courteous toward one another in all of our relationships. In other words, to become more Christlike."

Our lives have been blessed with two exceptional Christlike examples... our parents. They are the most kind, loving, considerate, good, decent and courteous individuals we have known. Through our parents examples we are invigorated, renewed and determined to stand up and be strong; we invite each of you to stand up with us and be believing.

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