Thursday, September 18, 2008


Mom returned to work today while dad spent an intensive day in rehab; a full day of hard work in speech therapy, occupational therapy, and physical therapy helped to pass the hours.

Mom received a phone call at work indicating that dad would be discharged to home tomorrow morning. We were so excited, yet no one was more excited than dad. Discharge coordination had begun along with a few preparations at home, we are ready for dad to come home.

Mom spent the evening with dad, they walked downstairs to see Peyton's new car that she had driven down to show them. Art Linkletter once said:

"Things turn out best for the people who make the best out of the way things turn out."

There are a lot of things in this lifetime that we will not be able to control, one thing that we are able to control is our thoughts. Two individuals can face the same challenge but depending on their attitudes regarding the situation each of them can have different results. Irregardless of our trials we are able to control the thoughts going on in our heads, we can choose to have a positive attitude or a negative attitude.

Studies have proven that a positive attitude will help the human body heal faster from illness, we have witnessed this to be true with our dad. Technically, dad should still be on the 4th floor preparing to go to rehab for 10-12 days. We not only skipped the 4th floor completely but we are taking dad home after only 5 days of inpatient rehabilitation.
Dad has commented several times during his hospitalization "I am healing so quickly because I was in good physical shape when this whole thing started." This is so true. However, dad has also demonstrated an incredibly optimistic and positive attitude regarding his diagnosis and the journey before us. Thank you dad for showing us how important the mind-body connection is and that our mental and emotional attitudes do influence our physical health and for proving that "A cheery heart doeth good like a medicine."

Farewell UVRMC and thank you for everything, we'll visit you on an outpatient basis.

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