Tuesday, September 16, 2008


I arrived at UVRMC Rehab bright and early to observe dad in each of his therapy sessions, in speech therapy he was tested in visual, memorization, and sequencing; he passed each test with 97-99%. Once again, the therapist kept needing to clarify that he had been less than one week post surgery, dad's will and strength are obviously uncommon in this neck of the woods.

We then moved on to physical therapy where we were able to enjoy the beautiful remnants of the last days of Summer. Dad took the physical therapy tech and I on a long walk around the hospital campus and then back inside for more intensive exercises. We then headed upstairs for Olive Garden lunch, compliments of mom and an afternoon of football. Thank you BYU and
U of U providing us entertainment on this beautiful Saturday afternoon. I returned later that evening with a roast beef dinner for mom and dad, today was a great day of healing, exercise, eating, and football. Dad commented over and over today at lunch and dinner "finally, some food with taste to it".

Mom left to go home and I stayed with dad while he prepared for bed and to get him settled in for the night. As the lights in the halls of the unit dimmed, nurses hung out at the nursing station at the ready for a patient to call, all was silent except for the humming of the air conditioner and the rhythmic beeping of numerous monitors throughout the unit; my mind fell into deep thought as I began to wonder once again "why is this happening to this amazing man has he not been through enough?" I was gently reminded that each of us must face trials because our Heavenly Father loves us and the test of our loving Father in Heaven is not to see if we can endure difficulty; it is to see if we can endure it well. Our amazing parents have proven that they not only can endure difficulties but they endure them well; they remember our Savior Jesus Christ at all times, keep the commandments regardless of opposition, temptation and circumstances surrounding them, and when things are tough they are determined and all believing that He will help them find the strength to carry on.

Through two heart bypass surgeries, stent placement, heart attack, pacemaker/defibrillator placement and now a brain tumor our father has demonstrated that struggles are part of the sacred sanctification process.

"My people must be tried in all things, that they may be prepared to receive the glory that I have for them." D& C 136:31
I have come to see that the recent challenge we have been asked to face is not for our parents it is for each of us, individually and collectively. How ever great this challenge may become our father and mother's needs are going to be significant. Our strength must be valiant and steadfast, each of us must stand tall, stand strong, stand faithful, and stand believing for there are miracles to witness, a journey to travel, and a marvelous mission to fulfill. Through His strength we can do all things, have hopes realized, and be witnesses to the growth and development of our own infinite strength.

1 comment:

Dennis said...

Dear Brother and Sister Evans and family:

How sorry we are to hear of your new challenge. I appreciated reading all the details about what is happening and the strength you have individually and as a family. It's truly inspiring to see a family come together and be strengthed at a time like this.

Our family would love to be able to help with anything - feed the horses and/or exercise them (we're experienced!). I'm sure I owe you one in subbing on your temple shift, and am happy to fill in for you, although I imagine they've put you on short term leave.

We'll keep checking the posts on this site and will continue to keep you in our thoughts and prayers.

With love,
Dennis Moss and family