Monday, October 13, 2008


Football, food, fire in the fireplace, faith and family are on the agenda for today, Dave and I had mom and dad over to watch the BYU game today. Our home was enhanced by their company, mom's squeals of delight when a good play had been executed, a yummy pizza dinner and a cozy fire as our backdrop.

As I quietly sat back and observed my parents today I marveled at their inner strength, through their strength and courage our family has been blessed with power and peace of mind. Our parents level of faith is sufficient and deep, they are showing us daily that we cannot become strong without sufficient faith in the power of our Father in Heaven. We have experienced a month full of faith increasing opportunities and we know that without faith we cannot receive answers to our prayers.

"Whose believeth in Christ, doubting nothing, whatsoever he shall ask the Father in the name of Christ it shall be granted him" Mormon 9:21

We have witnessed extraordinary blessings and miracles throughout this journey, we continue to receive great strength and power through the many prayers offered in our behalf, and we deeply feel the love, compassion and concern for us during this challenging time. We pray that we will remain humble and teachable so that our understanding may be enlightened and expanded.

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