Thursday, October 30, 2008


Dad had a fairly good evening until his temperature spiked in the middle of the night, his blood pressure is now elevated as well. His fever was brought down with Tylenol and they are watching his blood pressure. Mom was able to visit with the Dr. Bishop, dad's ICU physician on the phone this morning where they discussed the possibility of dad being moved from ICU today, and possibly home by the weekend. Dad still has a long way to go but it appears that we may be managing some of his care from home. Dad has expressed his great desire to get home so that he can resume his chemo and radiation, however, we are nervous about bringing him home before we have some things resolved.

A consultation with a Urologist has been set up for this afternoon to begin addressing a couple of issues. It appears that the items brought to the attention of Dr. Bishop and the ICU staff on Tuesday have helped the lab and medical personnel get one step closer to resolving dad's medical mystery, this would be an answer to many prayers.

Dad has been moved from ICU to the Medical/Oncology floor, the level of care is certainly different than what we have become accustomed to, the sooner we can get him home the better. Mom had an assignment at the Conference Center this evening so I took dinner into dad and spent the afternoon and evening with him. When I arrived dad was up in a wheelchair preparing to go for an ultrasound of his leg to confirm that there are no clots or cellulitis present. Dad ate a large bowl of soup, crackers, and fresh sliced peaches for dinner. Matt, Michele, Carson, Madison and Dave arrived later in the evening for a visit. Dad is exhausted and has slept most of the day, his energy is very low but his temperature and blood pressure are staying within normal limits. We will address his energy through rest and good healthy food.

We are still waiting for a Urology consult, hopefully tomorrow. Dad is anxious to get home and is confident that he will get stronger as soon as he can go home, we are sure he will.

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