Tuesday, October 28, 2008


We received no phone calls in the middle of the night from the hospital, this is both comforting and confirming that dad has remained stable. Dave, Matt and Mom have been with dad this morning as the hospital staff continues to battle with dad's fever, it is at 104 this morning. Dad has received an alcohol bath and is lying on a pad that circulates cool water up and down his back. His spirits remain positive and he is anxious to get this issue resolved so that he can resume chemo and radiation. All blood cultures and tests continue to come back negative in efforts to determine the source of dad's infection. We may never know where or how this originated.

The ICU physician and dad's medical oncologist have both visited with our family this morning, they are encouraging and hopeful that dad will spend only a short time in the hospital.
We have diligently worked at keeping our father and ourselves healthy, germ free, and physically well so that we may address our parents needs, the source of dad's infection is unknown at this time and we realize that we will make ourselves crazy by continuing to discover where we went wrong in allowing him to get sick. We know that it could be as simple as touching a door knob, sitting next to someone who has been ill, or through a hug or shake of the hand; we are also aware that it could be far more complicated. We acknowledge the love and concern for our family from neighbors, family, and friends but we must ask you once again to respect our wishes of no visitors. Our father is in a very fragile and compromising condition at this time and members of the staff are attending to him fully gowned, masked, and gloved, his environment must remain completely sterile.

We will make every attempt to update dad's website with the latest of information, please understand that our time and efforts are dedicated to caring for our mother and father. It is just as important for mom to stay well-rested as it is for dad, our family is striving to care for her needs as compassionately as the hospital staff is caring for our father. We are encouraging her to rest and care for herself while she is at home (which isn't much these days). It is going to be impossible for us to return each and every phone call, we know that you understand. If you would like to send a note or card we will see that dad receives them.

Our prayer requests for today are for dad's blood pressure to stabilize, temperature to go down, fluid output to increase, and for the arms of peace and comfort to gently carry our father through this little storm.
Mom and I spent the afternoon and evening with dad, Matt stopped by on his way home. Medical staff was finally able to bring dad's temperature down but it was not without a whole lot of "torture". Dad has commented several times this evening how awful the cold water was running up and down his back. Dad's temperature, fluid output, blood pressure, and heart rate are all within normal levels this evening and they are now tapering off some of dad's medications. Our prayers are working. Dad once again is receiving insulin due to elevated blood sugars, steroids, and stress can elevate one's blood sugar. They also started Lovenox injections into dad's stomach, this will prevent blood clots and deep vein thrombosis. The ICU physician had ordered an ultrasound of dad's gallbladder, this was completed this evening without incident. Dad needed to be NPO in order for them to get a good ultrasound, dad has not eaten since yesterday morning. The nurse gave dad something to help him sleep this evening, they are hoping that restful sleep will allow his temperature to go down.
All tests continue to be negative, unfortunately, this does not bring us any closer to answers as to why this happened.
Through this experience we are being reminded of the importance of faith and patience. Thank you so much for each of your prayers, we have witnessed the power of your words and the grace of our Father in Heaven in dad's improving condition.

1 comment:

edjones said...

Hi Brother Evans, I am here to serve a great friend, Please call
if you need me!
I love you and pray for your needs as we speak. God bless you and do not be afraid to give me a jingle,
Love you
Ed Jones