Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Mom had an early morning assignment at the Tabernacle this morning and was hoping to make it home in time to get dad to church, he has been looking forward to this all week.

Teri and Samantha stopped by this morning to visit with dad before they returned to Idaho, nothing is better than visits from family. Dad enjoyed the time he was able to spend visiting with two of his favorite girls. Mom arrived home just in time to pick up dad and get to church. Dad enjoyed attending all three of his meetings today. As he reported the events of his day while we were visiting later this afternoon he exclaimed "I have had a wonderful day, it has been wonderful!" I could see by the spark in his eye and feel the energy from his soul that he truly had experienced a "wonderful day."

My visit with mom and dad today was most inspiring and touching, dad shared some fitting advice, doctrine, and insight into the economic despair of the world and the role our obedience plays in receiving blessings that have been promised. Mom shared her tender moments of being able to be with President Monson this morning, as I commented on the sweet opportunity mom had of serving the Prophet she said "I was serving him, and he was serving me." The missionary blessings continue to pour down upon our family, we are blessed and we are humbled. The Home Teachers came to visit with mom and dad this evening and then Michele, Carson and Madi arrived bearing homemade chocolate chip cookies; a perfectly sweet end to their "wonderful day".

Mom phoned less than 90 minutes after I had left to report that dad had started chilling while the kids were there and his temperature was at 103. We discussed getting his fever down and administering antibiotics. I will wait for mom's call, we may be headed to the ER if dad cannot get his fever to break.

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