Thursday, October 16, 2008


Dad is feeling much better following this weekends minor setback. Radiation and chemo have not been interrupted, we are grateful. Matt stopped by on his way home from work today so that mom and dad could wish him a Happy Birthday.

I took dinner into mom and dad this evening, dad is on somewhat of a strict eating schedule due to his chemo needing to be taken on an empty stomach. While dad was eating his dinner mom and I quickly pulled up the frozen tomato plants so that they could go out with tomorrow's garbage, it was nice to enjoy the warmer weather working in the yard. Dave stopped by on his way home from work to visit with mom and dad.

I am realizing more each day how wonderfully gifted and talented our parents are, they are able to demonstrate Joy, Gratitude, and Endurance despite this unpleasant situation. Each of us are born with gifts and talents but not all of us learn to develop our talents and learn to channel them into meaningful actions. There are individuals all around us who are challenged with adversity yet they remain joyful, our parents are two of these individuals. Finding Joy is a talent, more importantly, it is a choice.

Gratitude does not always come easily and is not usually recognized as a talent but more of a requirement. The talent comes when we are truly grateful. Mom and Dad are steadfast examples of practicing Gratitude at all times and for all things, even their challenges.

Endurance is a valuable talent and essential to one's spiritual progression. Enduring may not always be easy but the best things in life usually are not discovered by taking the easy road.

Through the loving example of our parents I am learning that the ability to find Joy, express Gratitude and to graciously Endure all things are divine talents. Through their willingness to share their talents our family is being blessed, inspired, and comforted.


Dad had another quiet day at home resting, reading, and watching some movies. When mom returned from work they drove down to Parker's to get a sandwich for dinner. They came over after their dinner to watch the BYU game with Dave and I. A BYU game is always better when mom is around (even when they lose!).A few months ago we had had the following scripture posted in our kitchen:

"Therefore, dearly beloved, let us cheerfully do all things that lie in our power; and then may we stand still, with the utmost assurance, to see the salvation of God, for his arm to be revealed." D&C 123:17

The above scripture has resonated through my mind multiple times in the past several weeks. Each time I see our father he is happy, positive, thankful, and cheerful. Some days the mere thought of enduring one more thing is exhausting, it is on these days that I have learned to quickly turn my thoughts to our parents. It is there in these thoughts that I am able to discover the ability to stretch just a little bit more. I know that our Father in Heaven is never going to ask us to do the impossible, even though it may seem impossible at the time. What He does ask of us is that we reach a little higher, pray a little more earnestly and then stand, reverently still, knowing that He will reveal his arm.

I am learning the valuable lesson that when we knock the Savior will answer. When we cry out for Him, he is there. Through this journey we find ourselves reaching and stretching to heights we never knew possible. Growing closer to our Savior is so worth the stretch.

President Spencer W. Kimball has said:

"There are depths in the sea which the storms that lash the surface into fury never reach. They who reach down into the depths of where, in the stillness, the voice of God is heard, have the stabilizing power which carries them poised and serene through the hurricane of the difficulties."

It is comforting to have parents who through their example are teaching each one of us to reach down deep, so that we too, can stand poised and serene.

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