Wednesday, October 8, 2008


One month ago today I thought our lives had been turned upside down, in all reality I am discovering that our lives as they are now are possibly more right side up than they have ever been. Priorities are more in line, relationships are stronger, prayers are more earnest, our testimonies are firm, expressing gratitude is now a habit, laughter is ever present, and we are witnessing daily miracles.

Mom took dad to his Medical Oncologist today for a routine appointment. It was no surprise to mom and dad to hear from another medical professional "you are remarkable". Each time dad goes to an appointment this sentiment is expressed; we agree, our father is remarkable. The doctor told mom and dad that he has dealt with this awful disease and diagnosis every day of his career and he rarely, if at all has the opportunity to tell a patient that he sees great promise for them. He reminded us that our focus needs to be on dad's quality of life and from his standpoint he finds dad's quality of life remarkable.

In one month's time we have learned some powerful lessons from our mother and father, it is now up to each of us to apply what we have learned so that we too can be remarkable.

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