Monday, October 6, 2008


Marty took dad to radiation today, I met dad at his appointment so that we could walk over to the hospital for weekly blood work and a CT that his Neuro-Surgeon had ordered. I saw today for the first time one of the side effects of radiation we had been warned of; dad's scar appeared to be burned and blistered. Dad is faithfully applying vitamin E oil to his surgical site, he will now need to start applying a cream as well. Dad has been so blessed to have minimal side effects from the toxic treatments he is receiving. Despite hospital scheduling errors, registering mix up, poorly trained hospital employees, and a return visit to the hospital to complete the doctor's original orders; today was a good day.

Marty and his family chose to spend their Fall Break here in Utah, we could not be happier. Dad loves seeing his three beauties, Marty works hard around the house the entire time he is here, Teri cooks, cleans, and keeps us laughing. Our weekend is off to a great start. Marty is installing a new trailer hitch and electrical on dad's new little car so that he and mom can travel with the trailer. Marty and Teri also brought a new oven to install in mom's kitchen, mom is thrilled! McLean stopped by this evening before returning to Monterey, Ca.

Mom is preparing for long days at the Conference Center. This upcoming General Conference will be the first in eight years that dad has been home to watch with the family, we are looking forward to spending the weekend being uplifted, counseled, and enriched surrounded by those we love.

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