Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Mom drove to Salt Lake early this morning to attend to her weekly duties at the Conference Center. Dad listened to Sacrament Meeting at home, he is so grateful for this opportunity and blessing. While dinner was in the oven mom and dad took advantage of the beautiful weather going for a mile walk, they walked past our home but could not stop due to Dave being under the weather.

Mom had an assignment at the Bountiful Regional Center this evening and left late this afternoon to drive up. Dad would love to be able to attend the events and fulfill his missionary calling and we look forward to the day very soon that he can, patience.

Jeff and Steph stopped by this afternoon and Jeff shaved dad's head. Uncle Rex and Beth are down south for the winter and dad was in need of a little trim.

Dad called me later this evening to check on Dave, we had a nice visit regarding the days events and the things going on in our lives.

Whether I am in dad's presence or visiting with him on the phone the feelings of true peace are incredibly tangible. My father has taught me that true peace of mind is not dependent on one's circumstances, it comes from within. I often reflect back on the priesthood blessing that Matt and Dave gave my father the night he was admitted to the hospital and the blessing that followed two days later. I know that in order for priesthood blessings to be effective one must be humble, teachable, and willing to submit our will to the Lord as counseled. Our father has demonstrated full faith and complete confidence in the counsel he has received through the priesthood, more importantly, he has the courage to follow it.

These priesthood blessings have been a great source of comfort to us and have provided feelings of peace, hope, patience, and endless love. Our minds are invigorated and our spirits are renewed as we witness the determination of our father as he stands up to cancer.

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