Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Dad spiked a fever of 104 again last evening, thankfully it came down after Tylenol had been administered, he has been fever free now for 7 hours. Dad was finally able to eat this morning and has tried to eat a little bit this afternoon, it is difficult when you can't tell what it is that you are eating.

Both of dad's Oncologists and the ICU doctor met with him this morning and have informed him of their plans of action, each would like to see dad discharged by this weekend and we would too as long as we are able to manage without complications. Dad must remain fever free, stable blood pressure, kidneys working, and ambulatory. If dad can get home by the weekend they will resume chemo and radiation on Monday. The nursing staff got dad out of bed today and sat him up in a reclining chair, he was able to sit there for nearly 45 minutes and then requested to get back in bed. This current bump in the road has knocked dad back several steps yet he is working hard to get back up to pace. We remain positive, hopeful, encouraged and patient.

All of the tests continue to return negative for any source of infection, how and why this happened remains a mystery. However, the ICU physician is looking into something that we brought to his attention on Tuesday that could very well be the cause of dad's septic condition. We are hopeful.

Mom went and picked up an absentee ballot for dad so that he can vote next week, she also stopped and received her flu shot. We had been waiting for dad to finish chemo and radiation because he cannot receive the flu shot until he has completed his treatments, we thought we would go and get our flu shots together, each of us will be taking care of that immediately.

Matt stopped by for a few minutes on his way home from work, mom and I spent the evening with dad. Dad is sitting up somewhat more in bed tonight and is watching a little television, his coloring looks much better and it is evident that he is gaining a little more strength and energy. His vitals are remaining stable, they are decreasing some of his medications, and we now need to focus on his appetite and fluid intake. Mom visited with Marty tonight, he will arrive tomorrow and dad was able to visit on the phone with Maigan.

Dad experienced a little bleeding episode this evening from his arterial line which resulted in changing sheets, pillow cases, arm splint, and hospital gown. When mom and I left this evening dad was enjoying a slice of pumpkin roll from his dinner tray and a lemon meringue tart that mom had brought him;, this is all he would eat. We will see if we can't satisfy is appetite with a few of his favorite things tomorrow.

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