Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Mom called this morning at 7:00 a.m. to let me know that dad's fever had not come down and that they had spent a very miserable, rough night. Dad has had ice packs on his head and behind his neck through the night. Mom called his Medical Oncologist and was able to speak to the Doctor on call, he instructed her to give dad two Tylenol and to go to the ER if she felt it was necessary. Following the administration of the tylenol dad's temperature did come down and he was resting comfortably. Dad was able to take his chemo last night even after the first attempt of his anti-nausea medication not staying down. Dad has a prescription for an antibiotic that is not to be used unless fever and chills present, mom gave him his first dose last evening. Dave stopped by to check on mom and dad on his way to work and reported that dad was physically drained and resting well.

Dad had an appointment with his Medical Oncologist today at noon, dad struggled to get dressed, take his morning meds and get out the door; he is exhausted. Dad was able to visit with Anthony on the phone just prior to leaving for his appointment, as always Anthony provided dad with laughter, encouragement and put a smile on his face.

I received a phone call from mom around 2:00 this afternoon stating that dad had collapsed at his appointment and that he had been rushed to the ER where he collapsed in the wheelchair a second time. When I arrived at the hospital doctors, nurses, lab technicians, and respiratory staff were each administering care to dad. The ICU doctor and dad's Medical Oncologist had also run from their respective areas to be at dad's side. We have been informed that our father is gravely ill.

Dad has severe sepsis, a serious medical condition caused by an infection; he has blood poisoning. Dad's current condition has lead to organ dysfunction of his heart and kidneys, low blood pressure, lactic acidosis, and decreased fluid output. The reason for dad's collapse is due to his body going into septic shock. As sick as he is dad reminded the staff that they needed to work quickly because he has a 3:30 appointment for radiation. He is such a trooper.

Dad was quickly transported to the ICU where a central venous catheter was placed into his chest (without anesthesia or numbing agents) to monitor his heart function, IV lines placed to deliver fluids, antibiotics, dopamine (for blood pressure), and liquid proteins to his body. Medical personnel are working fast and furious to attend to our father's needs.

Mom and I were able to visit with the ICU physician shortly after they placed dad in ICU, he explained to us the seriousness of dad's condition and the battle we are facing. Dad is suffering from multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (multiple organ failure). They are aggressively working to stabilize dad and get the appropriate antibiotics into his blood stream. Numerous blood draws for labs have been done in an effort to determine the source of dad's infection, results could take anywhere from 12-72 hours.

Hospital staff has struggled throughout the afternoon to get dad's blood pressure up. His heart functioning tests all prove to be good, chest x-ray came back negative, this indicates that dad does not have a pneumonia. Later this evening respiratory struggled to place an arterial line in dad's arm, after 7 attempts the ICU physician told them they were finished, he placed the line without difficulty. Dad's veins and arteries are being affected by his severe dehydration and infection, this makes it more difficult to place the necessary lines and IV's. Once the arterial line was placed they were able to obtain a more accurate and consistent blood pressure, now dad's body just needs to maintain good numbers.

Dad has been able to rest comfortably in between procedures, he and mom are both exhausted. Dad's Medical Oncologist came to visit with us this evening, we are so impressed with each and every member of dad's medical team; they are compassionate, caring, honest, encouraging, and hope providing. Dad is alert and aware of all that is being done, he participates in each discussion and expresses profound gratitude to each and every member of the staff administering care to him.

Matt stopped by this evening to see dad, we have been updating Marty via his phone, he will be here Thursday evening. Mom has called Jeff to inform him of dad's condition. Uncle David, Aunt Gayle and Aunt Connie have also been informed that dad is in ICU. Dave, mom and I stayed with dad until we could see that he was making some improvement. Dad's nurse indicated this evening that dad's immune system is seriously depleted and that no one, small children included can be around dad if they have not received the flu shot. Each of the tests they have run so far to determine the source of dad's infection have come back negative, this can complicate things as far as determining the accurate antibiotics to treat the sepsis, he is receiving a broad spectrum antibiotic at this time and will continue until they can see if something grows from the cultures. When we left dad this evening his coloring was good,he was finally producing urine and we were able to make one another laugh.

Once again, we are humbled, grateful, and blessed knowing that so many are praying for our family at this time. Your continued prayers are appreciated and we want you to know that we feel each and every one of them. Dad has shown us today that the positive thinker sees the invisible, feels the intangible, and achieves the impossible.

Our parents are remarkable individuals, they continue to remain positive, strong, and believing. We are committed in standing up with our parents as we fight this battle, we invite each of you to do the same.

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