Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Mom called shortly after Dave and I had been home less than hour last evening, she had gone into see if dad had taken his chemo and found the bed to be soaking wet. The fever dad had been struggling with for the past two days had obviously broken. Their evening continued to be difficult throughout the night, they were up four additional times changing the bedding. It is obvious that dad's body is fighting off something, we are so grateful his body is fighting along with the antibiotics. It is a good thing they stopped at four episodes or else they would have had to start bed hopping throughout the house.

Dad slept in for several hours this morning, we are thankful he was able to finally rest. Dave went over and spent time with dad this morning and Michele came for a few hours this afternoon.

Dad was able to receive his radiation today and the PA indicated that she was not at all surprised with the events of the past few days. Dad's blood work came back all within normal limits other than his sodium and electrolytes, we anticipated that they would both be off due to his fever, sweats, and chills.

It is not faith and works
It is not faith or works
It is faith that works
Thank you for your constant prayers in our behalf, we are witnesses that they are working.

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