Friday, October 3, 2008


No one knows the exact causes of brain tumors, there is little explanation as to why one individual develops a brain tumor and another does not. One thing that is very clear is that brain tumors are not contagious, no one can "catch" a tumor from another person.

There are some risk factors associated with an increased chance of developing a primary brain tumor:

Being Male-Generally speaking, brain tumors are more common in males than females. Meningiomas are more common in females.

Age-Most brain tumors are detected in people who are 70 years or older.

Being exposed to radiation or certain chemicals in the work place.

Depending on the type of tumor and stage, patients may be treated with surgery, radiation therapy, and/or chemotherapy; this is the course of treatment dad is receiving.

During dad's post-op appointment with his neuro-surgeon we were informed that a good portion of dad's right frontal lobe had been removed during surgery. Knowledge of this helps us understand why his medical team is so impressed with his quick recovery. It is miraculous that dad maintains good balance, is able to hear out of his right ear, and that he is now finishing up week two of radiation and chemo well ahead of schedule. Technically speaking, dad should still be in rehab receiving daily physical therapy, occupational therapy, and speech therapy.

Richard L. Evans once said this of our Father in Heaven:

"He will not leave you alone. The Lord God always compensates.
This you can count on."
The compensation we have been blessed with is at times beyond our comprehension. We are not alone and we know that our Father in Heaven is hearing and answering each prayer.
We must have courage during the great sorrows of our lives, and patience for the small and inconvenient ones, and when the day is through we can go to sleep in peace knowing that God is awake.

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