Thursday, October 2, 2008


Dad and I met mom over at Dr. Gaufin's office this afternoon for dad's post surgery appointment. As the doctor was inquiring how dad was feeling I was recording dad's blood pressure and weight when dad exclaimed "I am marvelously well", my writing ceased and I just sat there staring at our extraordinary father.

mar·vel·ous also mar·vel·lous

1. Causing wonder or astonishment.
2. Miraculous; supernatural.
3. Of the highest or best kind or quality; first-rate:
How humbling this statement was coming from a man who has endured challenge after challenge posed by years of heart surgeries, congestive heart failure and now brain cancer.
As the appointment proceeded I kept looking at the doctor's face, several times he had a look of disbelief as dad answered his questions. The reactions dad continues to receive from members of his medical team are consistent; shock, amazement, and wonder. As dad informed his doctor of his daily exercise routine he was asked to please modify it somewhat and refrain from doing sit ups this soon after major brain surgery. Dad proceeded to explain that the types of sit ups he was doing were not strenuous, it was obvious that his physician was not accepting this and the next thing you know I had been asked to get up and move my chair. Dad then got down on the floor and began to exhibit his exercise technique, amazing.
Our father continues to demonstrate that he trusts our Heavenly Father with all of his heart and through this trust fears have been replaced with strength and peace.
I continue to learn valuable lessons on faith from my parents, I am seeing that faith enables us to: enjoy the peace that surrounds us and to not fear tomorrow, have the Holy Ghost with us at all times, witness miracles in our lives, have prayers answered, and to have our burdens lightened.
The challenge of tribulation is a refiner of our faith. The Lord said, "For after much tribulation comes the blessings." D&C 58:4
Our father is marvelous, he is causing wonder and astonishment to all those around him. We are witnessing miracles in our lives and we know it is due to the faith in all of the prayers heaven is receiving in behalf of our family. We are humbly grateful.

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