Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Mom was able to visit with dad's nurse, Judy this morning regarding dad's condition and treatment plan for the day. Judy reported that dad has voiced his concern with being discharged to the 7th floor; mom informed her of our 7th floor nightmare, she now understands and will convey to the doctor our apprehensions. Dad's iron remains low, edema high, renal function compromised, and source of infection still a mystery. The doctors have ordered that dad see a Ear Nose and Throat specialist for more cultures of his sinus, they are leaning towards this being a possible source of dad's infection. Judy is going to take dad over to the physicians plaza this afternoon for more cultures. Dad was returned to IMC without incident following the cultures, the ENT Physician indicated that it will take 24-48 hours for the cultures to grow out, he will then test several different ranges of antibiotics to determine resistance factors. Dad's ICU Physician stopped by today and advised dad that they are determined to get to the bottom of this; we are so grateful for the knowledge, concern, compassion, and tender mercies of a fantastic medical team.

Dad is not eating again due to the continuation of more "fowl meals", he did say that a slice of pizza sounded really good; Dave and I will get a warm slice of pizza to him shortly.

Matt and his family stopped by to visit with dad this evening for Family Home Evening. Mom, Dave and I spent the evening visiting with dad as he enjoyed his slice of ham/pineapple pizza. Dad has been started on Lasix for his water retention; this should relieve the pressure in his legs and around his kidneys and heart. IV fluids are being pushed as well as antibiotics.

Prior to leaving this evening dad suggested that we have family prayer together, mom offered a beautiful, tender prayer petitioning the Lord's hand in blessing the medical team that they will quickly and accurately determine the source of the infection that is besetting our father's body at this time; we humbly ask that your prayers request the same.

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