Tuesday, November 4, 2008


Dad has spent a most miserable night in pain and unable to sleep. Dad's gout has returned with a vengeance; the staff did not follow the physicians orders, therefore dad was left to lie in pain for hours. They finally gave him something for the pain which knocked him completely out. Michele, Tanner, and Madi came to show dad how cute Madi looked in her Halloween costume but dad could not stay awake enough to enjoy their visit. They went to Baskin Robbins to get dad some sherbet, he ate what he could.

Mom had an assignment in Salt Lake this morning and is picking dad up a sandwich from his favorite German deli. Marty is busy at mom and dad's doing a few more "Soney Do's", we are so thankful for his willingness to drive from Boise to alleviate some of mom and dads worries. It is always a good time when Marty is around.

Marty and mom spent the evening trying to visit with dad but he was still very sleepy and out of it. We are each trying to figure out the level of nursing care dad is receiving, it has been most challenging to go from the incredible care in ICU to no care on the 7th floor.

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