Thursday, November 13, 2008


Dad was moved out of IMC today; he remains on IV fluids and antibiotics, several other medications were discontinued today. Dad's iron and potassium levels are now within normal limits and his edema is slowly decreasing. Heart rate, pulse, temperature, oxygenation, and attitude are all within normal limits; we are grateful for another good day.

Matt stopped by to visit with dad prior to heading out of town for work; he shared with dad a tender experience a total stranger has had regarding our father and the power of prayer.

We often comment that "we feel each and every prayer offered in behalf of our family," we sincerely mean this. I had a colleague today ask me if I was aware of the number of individuals praying for our father; my reply was immediate, although we may not know the exact number of those praying, we do know in our hearts that there are many. We feel it. We not only savor the words of your prayers but we are being sustained through the faith in which you pray. We know that we cannot take this journey alone, we need you and the help of our Father in Heaven.

Gentry, Mom, Uncle David and Aunt Gayle had a great time visiting with dad this evening. Dad looks well and remains positive, hopeful, and happy. I marvel at our parents abilities to remain steady and true as they walk this trail of uncertainty. Mom and Dad have willingly accepted to deal with hard things so that those of us looking in may learn from their strength, humility, faith, love, and testimonies.

Gentry and I were able to participate in family prayer with mom and dad this evening; as mom once again offered a prayer full of reverent gratitude her words were pulsating, yearning, and ever so tender.

Our parents firm belief in a loving Father in Heaven continues to provide peace, strength and comfort. We know that prayer is more than just words; we realize that we must exercise faith, be true in all we do, and humbly wait for His divine guidance.

Research has shown that quiet meditation, prayers and or the comfort of being prayed for lowers blood pressure, reduces stress hormones, slows the heart rate and has other beneficial effects. Many studies through the years indicate that believers in the power of prayer are healthier than non-believers; we are believers and our dad is too. Anyone who can endure spinal meningitis, two quadruple by-pass surgeries, heart stent placement x2, pacemaker and defibrillator surgery, renal failure, congestive heart failure and glioblastoma cancer; who remains as positive as our dad, must be evidence that he has connected to a divine understanding of himself and opened doors that extend beyond our comprehension, our father is a remarkable believer.

Thank you to each of you who remind us daily that we must clothe ourselves in the armor of God always; as we press forward, stand strong, and earnestly battle the storms of life.

1 comment:

Kent and Leisy said...

so great to hear that things are on the up. we're still sending lots of prayers from toledo !!