Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Happy Birthday to Samantha Emma Evans and our late grandmother, Emma Tucker Evans. Samantha Emma turns 8 today, she was appropriately named after our father's mother.

We were informed early this afternoon that dad will remain in the hospital for at least a week; they are not going to release him until they get to the bottom of his current setback. The ENT Physician has ordered that dad not be sent home until they have a handle on the source of infection and the cause for dad's blood loss. Dad's platelets and red blood cells are within normal limits which indicates that chemo is not the cause of the change in dad's blood counts.
Dad was hopeful that he would be discharged to home today; those hopes have been put on hold.

Gentry delivered some clothing, razor, books, and the latest edition of The Ensign to dad this afternoon; the two of them spent a couple of hours visiting and catching up on the past 24 months.

Mom brought in soup and salad from Olive Garden this evening, dad ate until he could eat no more. Mom and Dad called to wish Sammie a "Happy Birthday", they had fun visiting with this "sparky" little 8 year old.

Dad's ICU physician stopped by to visit today, again he reiterated how sorry he was that dad was back in the hospital and his commitment in making sure dad does not go home until we have some answers. We are still waiting for cultures to come back.

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