Friday, November 21, 2008


Dad spent the day resting, receiving IV antibiotics and resting some more. Matt stopped by before going home this evening to visit with dad.

Dad's medical oncologist, neurosurgeon, infectious disease physician and hospitalist have each been in to visit with dad today. Dad's oncologist told him that we should have discontinued dad's chemo the day he had his last radiation treatment; the radiation and chemo dad has been on go together and should not be taken alone, no one had ever informed us of this. He also indicated that the chemo alone can cause fevers; add everything else going on and you have a recipe for disaster. Dad's neurosurgeon was very encouraging, he commended dad on how well he was doing and was optimistic for a very positive future.

Dad also met with the Dietitian yesterday, I think that someone put a bug in her ear that dad was refusing their undesirable cuisine.

Mom called me early this afternoon to let me know that dad would be discharged following his last dose of IV antibiotics. Matt was at the hospital when mom arrived and they were on their way home shortly after.

I called to check on dad before leaving work to ask him if there was anything that sounded good to eat, he mentioned that all he wanted was a can of Campbells Chicken Noodle Soup. I suggested some fresh pineapple and eclairs that I had saved from Sunday and he said they both sounded good to him. I told dad that I would be there in just a little bit to help him get some dinner; mom had a meeting at work that she needed to attend.

When I arrived at mom and dad's dad was up sitting in the kitchen watching an old western, we visited for a few minutes and he expressed that he was nervous and anxious about the fever returning. We talked about all of the positive aspects of this entire ordeal and discussed the abundant blessings our family has received over the past several months. Our father is intensely aware of the many tender mercies in our behalf and acknowledges the sacred power of prayer.

Dad's 6 week radiation/chemo cycle was never interrupted due to low blood counts, fever, illness, or complications; we are so blessed.

Dad has been able to remain at home for the majority of his recovery and mom has been able to continue working; we are so blessed.

Dad has an amazingly talented medical team who offer expertise, compassion, love, and encouragement; we are so blessed.

Our family has been lifted up daily by the numerous prayers and fasts being offered in our behalf; we are so blessed.

Mom returned home early this evening and I prepared dad's new regiment of medications. Dad has been taken off the oral antibiotics, anti-seizure, chemo, anti-nausea, and steroids. The only medication re-introduced is another anti-seizure medication. Maigan stopped by for a few minutes to see dad, she has not been back to visit since January; many things have changed. Dad and she had a tender visit and will be able to have several more over the next 10 days.

Dad's fever incidents remain a mystery; for the time being we agree with dad's medical team that quite possibly the combination of the chemo and some of the medications could be the base problem for dad's recurring temperature and chills. Time will tell.

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