Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Gentry spent the early afternoon visiting with mom, dad, Teri and the girls. Teri is preparing to return to Boise, they will be back next weekend for Gentry's homecoming.

Dad has enjoyed a good day until this afternoon when he began vomiting, chilling and running a fever. Mom got dad settled into bed where he fell asleep immediately. Mom had taken his temperature before he went to sleep, it was somewhat elevated. Mom called ICU at Utah Valley Regional Medical Center to report dad's condition, she was instructed to check dad's temperature in an hour and if it was over 101.6 she was to report to the ER. Mom had a nagging feeling after 30 minutes that she needed to take dad's temperature again, it had continued to rise. Mom loaded dad in the car and headed to the ER.

Dad threw up on the way to Provo and has started chilling, an IV was started and Tylenol was administered upon admission to the ER. All physicians on dad's medical team are being contacted to determine the best course of action. Several vials of blood were drawn, fluids are being pushed, chest x-ray obtained, and a sinus culture was taken by the staff.

Dad has been admitted to IMC and will be treated with more antibiotics. Initial test results show that dad has an infection somewhere even after a week full of oral and IV antibiotics. Dads iron is also low which could possibly indicate a bleed somewhere in his body. Dad's renal function is also out of range.

I visited on the phone with the hospital physician in IMC this evening regarding dad's medications and the possibility that a combination of some of them could be the cause of dad's current fever and infection.

We are grateful that dad is back in IMC where he received incredible care pre and post craniotomy, mom said that dad made it very clear to the ER Physician that he "will not be going to the 7th floor", we agree.

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