Monday, November 24, 2008


Mom spent the morning in Salt Lake in the Tabernacle with the choir. I checked on dad while mom was at church, I found him in his office, scriptures open, and their ward's meeting playing in the background. I was able to share another great conversation with dad on the topic of Missionary Work, he is so proud of Gentry and his recent return with honor from the Georgia Atlanta Mission. Dad's gout is still causing him great discomfort yet his overall appearance improves each and every day. I will check back later this evening.

Dad phoned late this afternoon and asked me if I had a Mountain Dew, had I heard him correctly????? Our father does not drink Mountain Dew. I told him that I possibly had a bottle in the garage that one of the kids had left behind and if I did I would bring it right over. I shared with Dave our phone conversation and within a few minutes Dave had produced two bottles of Mountain Dew, ahh... another wish granted. I walked the Dew and a loaf of sourdough bread over to dad and spent some time visiting with he and mom, Mom and I then prepared dad's medications for the week. Maigan, Dave, Easton and Cooper arrived shortly after and then Matt and his entire family joined in. We had a fun filled evening visiting, laughing, and cousin play time. Dad mentioned several times this evening how grateful he is that his desire to eat snack foods has returned, he has been enjoying a bag full of potato chips this evening along with mom's caramel puff snack mix.

Dad once again referred to the teachings of Isaiah and how Isaiah expresses that one will never know who or how they clothe another individual through proper fasting and prayer. Dad quoted several scriptures in Matthew and Isaiah, we are so blessed to witness our father's powerful testimony; especially now when we need it the very most.

Following the departure of everyone but myself, dad asked me to pour him his Mountain Dew and to find "that bag of potato chips your mother put away". I am so blessed to be able to serve this incredible man, his simple wishes are my uttermost priority. Our hugs are tighter these days, the "I Love You's" more meaningful, and I feel stronger and braver at the mere sound of his voice. I would "Dew" anything for these wonderful parents of ours.

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