Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Mom had an assignment in Salt Lake this morning; dad spent the day resting and remaining quiet. I called to check on dad in the early afternoon and tell him that I had run into his surgeon at Costco. I expressed to dad the shock and amazement of Dr. Gaufin when I told him dad had completed all of his radiation treatments. I conveyed to dad Dr. Gaufin's sentiments and well wishes and reminded him that he has defied several odds throughout this battle.

Dad is extremely weak and fatigued. We are sure that it is a combination of all that has slammed his body lately; chemo, radiation, blood poisoning, sepsis, gout, fevers, powerful antibiotics, and two back to back hospitalizations. We must be patient, it is going to take time for dads immune system to build back up and for his strength to return.

Mom returned home and spent the evening visiting with Marty, Shelby, and Anthony. Dad does not appear to feel well this evening, we will watch him closely.

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