Wednesday, November 19, 2008


I received a phone call from Marty at 2:00 a.m. requesting that I come over to mom's immediately; dad has a fever and is declining rapidly. Upon arrival mom was on the phone to dad's Medical Oncologists answering service requesting direction. As I checked on dad it was obvious that things were not good; dad was flush with fever, experiencing excruciating pain in his shoulder, dizzy, and disoriented.

Matt arrived shortly after; he and Marty administered and pronounced a sweet blessing upon our seriously ill father. I called ICU at UVRMC to advise them of dad's condition and was instructed to bring dad in. Explaining this news to my father was possibly one of the most heart wrenching experiences of my life, he did not want to go yet we knew that he had no choice. For a brief moment I was aware of how difficult this whole ordeal is on our mother, I pray for the ability to be just like her. We were able to get dad robed, coated, fit with his beanie, and wrapped in blankets. I gathered and gave to mom his most recent discharge documents, and medication lists while Marty and Matt loaded him in the warm car.

Marty drove mom and dad to Provo with Matt following shortly behind; I stayed at mom's as Shelby was asleep in the back bedroom. Marty and I both had the strongest feelings earlier this evening that we should not fall asleep; Marty laid awake in anticipation of mom summoning his help as I scrubbed floors somehow knowing my phone would be ringing.

Marty was pulled over by law enforcement en route to the hospital, mom's car is seriously out of alignment and was swerving back and forth. The officer initially surmised that Marty had been drinking, upon seeing and hearing our father in the front seat it was obvious that Marty needed to get our father medical attention quickly.

Dad spent nearly 8 hours in the ER before being admitted to a room. All physicians on his medical team have been informed and we are now back to square one of the fever mystery. IV's were started, two tylenol and two ibuprofen brought his fever down and the course of IV antibiotics have been started for the third time. We are praying for answers, comfort, patience and peace.

It was difficult to not have mom and dad in attendance at Elder Bean's homecoming today; it was more challenging knowing that I could not be by their side. Uncle Ted, Aunt Connie and Carrie left for the hospital following Sacrament Meeting and Matt's family traveled over after rendering sweet service in our home feeding our many guests. Marty was able to gain a few hours of rest and checked in on mom and dad often. Dad was restlessly trying to catch up on much needed rest last evening and mom tried to rest as well. Mom returned home later this evening and went directly to bed, she is emotionally, physically, and mentally exhausted.

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