Monday, October 13, 2008


I received an early morning phone call advising me that "dad has not had a very good night". Dad had been up most of the night chilling and feverish. At 4:30 a.m. his temperature was 103, this is not good. Dad's Medical Oncologist had given dad a prescription for a strong antibiotic that we were to leave on the shelf unless fever and chilling symptoms presented themselves, mom administered the first dose early this morning.

More than a third of all cancer patients will experience fever as a result of an infection, the tumor itself, chemo treatments, or the development of an autoimmune disease. Dad's blood work from last Thursday was good, yet, we understand that the tide can change without any indication.

Mom placed a call to the Medical Oncologist and we will wait to hear from him. In the meantime dad is trying to stay warm. Dave stopped by to check on dad this morning, they had a good visit and dad remains in good spirits. Dad performed his daily exercise routine and is planning on taking a good long nap after radiation this afternoon.

Mom came home from work in time to encourage dad to eat some lunch and stay hydrated. Dad had consented to wait for mom to get home before taking a shower, he is somewhat unstable on his feet since the fever presented itself. Mom spoke to doctor's office and they have ordered more blood work and have requested that the Radiation Oncologist check vitals and dad's heart when he is there for his daily radiation. Fevers are always an indication that something is wrong, and should be treated immediately. Fevers often indicate an infection in chemo/radiation patients. We must remember that dad's blood counts are low and that his body will not be able to fight off infection on it's own. We will continue to be diligent in protecting ourselves and dad from coughs, colds, flu and germs.

Dad was able to receive radiation this afternoon, x-rays were done, vitals taken, and blood was drawn from both arms. Dad's heart continues to be strong, his blood pressure is fantastic, and his temperature is now within normal limits. The radiation nurse told dad she was not surprised he was experiencing chills and fever considering all that his body is enduring, this is reassuring.

Dad was on the phone with Anthony when Dave and I arrived this evening. Dad remained in bed resting, staying warm, and trying to stay hydrated, tonight is the first time that dad has appeared ill. We are encouraging dad to sleep as much as he desires...he deserves it.

Our prayers today include requests for fever to subside, treatable infection, continuation of treatments, and strengthening of our courage, faith, and understanding.

1 comment:

bj+anne+brody+macie+lucy+ellie said...

what a trooper...our thoughts and prayers are with you