Tuesday, November 4, 2008


Dad is now home resting comfortably in his own bed. Mom was able to bring dad home late this afternoon and is now getting him settled. Dad is extremely weak and unsteady on his feet, we are hopeful that with home cooked meals, a shower, and the comforts of home, he will feel much better very soon.

Words alone cannot express our deep appreciation for the many prayers, messages, and encouraging words each of you have expressed. Our Father in Heaven continues to be so good to us, there is no shadow of doubt that our combined prayers have been heard and answered.

There is a powerful feeling of assurance and peace that accompany our father wherever he goes, we feel it, others feel it, and he feels it; your prayers continue to provide the means for this peace to be present.

The opportunity to pray to our Father in Heaven daily is a privilege; yet, I am reminded that my responsibility is not finished when I say "amen". Amulek taught:

"And now behold, my beloved brethren,...after ye have prayed, if ye turn away the needy, and the naked, and visit not the sick and afflicted, and impart of your substance, if ye have, to those who stand in need-I say unto you, if ye do not any of these things, behold, your prayer is vain, and availeth you nothing, and ye are as hypocrites who do deny the faith." Alma 34:28

Through the examples of many we are being shown that we must never forget to live gospel principles as earnestly as we pray to our Father in Heaven. Each of you have strengthened us with prayer, touched our lives with your love and provided us courage, hope, and peace. We are surrounded by angels.
As mom was visiting with dad's physician today he reiterated how very close we came to losing our father last Monday, dad was critically ill when he was admitted to the ICU. Dr. Bishop explained to mom that very often a cancer patient will not die from the disease but from a secondary infection or fever. Dad has indicated that he is going to "slow down" and not get so anxious about "getting back to normal", patience and faith are going to be the key factors.

1 comment:

Kent and Leisy said...

I never comment- but read the updates regualry! thanks for keeping us posted on everything. we are saying lots of prayers here for uncle kent!